Leben nutzlos aufs Spiel setzen - translation to Αγγλικά
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  • ετυμολογία

Leben nutzlos aufs Spiel setzen - translation to Αγγλικά

1970 FILM
Hexen bis aufs Blut gequält; Hexen bis aufs Blut gequalt; Hexen bis aufs Blut gequaelt

Leben nutzlos aufs Spiel setzen      
needlessly risk one's life


Someone's spiel is a well-prepared speech that they make, and that they have usually made many times before, often in order to persuade you to buy something. (INFORMAL)
= patter


Mark of the Devil (1970 film)

Mark of the Devil (German: Hexen bis aufs Blut gequält, lit. Witches Tortured till They Bleed) is a 1970 West German horror film. It is most remembered for US marketing slogans devised by Hallmark Releasing Corp. that included "Positively the most horrifying film ever made" and "Rated V for Violence", while sick bags were given free to the audience upon admission.

While not prosecuted for obscenity, the film was seized and confiscated in the UK under Section 3 of the Obscene Publications Act 1959 during the video nasty panic.